Wednesday 30 May 2012

Sign of the Times

Bottoms Up - Pass Me the Orange Juice... 

I was just visiting a fun blog A Wide Line and was checking out a bunch of moms who were out on the town to celebrate a friend getting married.  They were having fun, a bit blitzed, nothing serious.  All I could think was good lord, the last time I got all my friends together between 9 of us, we drank 12 boxes of juice and a third of  a bottle of wine.... Hmmmm.  It was a lunch, three of us were pregnant, two had recently just had kids, a couple were driving, so abstained, and only two decided to have a glass each.

Now as a bunch of former party animals this was kind of a shock and a little funny all at the same time.  I remember all of them in fairly indelicate positions.  This was all sedate and nice, the girls were on good form, but it definitely wasn't a big night out or boozy afternoon. I don't think I have been to such a clean lunch since I was about 12, and even then, the parents in attendence had most probably had a couple.

Nice that none of us missed it at all.  It was just a nice low key afternoon that could have been spent at our local chapter of Alcoholics Anonymous.

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